strategic coaching

Power Start

Transform the ideas in your head into a solid business strategy that you can finally implement


the strategy you need

The start you deserve

The powerful start you've been looking for

Are you an overwhelmed entrepreneur? Are you multi-passionate, creative, and hard working… but feel like you aren’t getting the results you’ve been looking for?

Join an intentional group of like minded, self motivated entrepreneurs seeking clarity, solid strategy, and financial stability just like you.

This is a fully immersive experience that will help you gain more clarity, stronger directional planning, and those big accomplishments you are after. All with less overwhelm and the accountability you need to get it done. 

Don’t just read about it, do it. This is all about implementation and results.

I’ve seen my students 5x their income, be more generous with their families, make their own impact on the world, and have time freedom. And you can too!

are you READY TO:


Identify which areas of your business your best at, which problems it solves, and what sets you apart


Map out where you’re sitting now and how to get where you want to go


Overcome the obstacles that have been holding you back and start achieving your goals?


Define and refine your core products

this is for you.

Jamie Findlay

Meet your host

Hey! Im Jamie. My mission is to help you not only make more money but do it without sacrificing things you love... like your sanity. 

I've run multiple successful companies over the past 15 years. I’m able to travel, be generous to my family, and truly LOVE my life. And it all happened because I stopped running my business on momentum and started running it with purpose.

It’s been my JOY to teach my approach to hundreds of students who wanted to better organize their business and life. This is the most powerful way I can personally help you turn your dreams into reality. 

You'll learn:

→ My unique perspective and framework for creating order in your life

→ Time blocking to give you back the freedom you’re looking for

→ How to identify which areas of your business your best at, which problems it solves, and what sets you apart

→ How clarify the problem and the exact solution

→ Define and refine your core products

→ Map out where you’re sitting now and now to get where you want to go

→ Figure out where your dream clients/consumers are coming from

→ Attract customers with clear branding, and review to make sure brand trust exists from A-Z

Giving you the key to make 2023 your most profitable year yet.

Whats included?

Pre-work exercises will help you find clarity and reignite your passion. I'll walk you through my tried and true technique created after years of private coaching to extract the information we need to build the business and life of your dreams. The heart of this program is a 90-minute private strategy coaching session with me where we'll take all the jenga pieces that are in your head and transform them into a complete roadmap for the next year so that you are set up to succeed and scale your business.

During two live video calls with Jamie and top experts our group will dive deeper with conversations around profitable pricing, revenue targets, creative thinking, and marketing strategy to set you up for long term financial success. These calls will be tailored to the needs of the group.



COMPLETE ROADMAP FOR YOUR BUSINESS with tangible action steps


Want more? You can add on an extra 2-hour coaching call to get even more individualized support!

Entrepreneurship can feel like a lonely, confusing journey. But it doesn't have to. I'll help you get off to a powerful start so you can grow and scale the business that you've always wanted.


Email Marketing Mastery with Jasmin Jade

This online class is designed for photographers who want to learn how to use email marketing to promote their photography business. The class will cover the basics of email marketing, including creating an email list, attracting subscribers, crafting effective email content, and designing visually appealing email templates. By the end of the class, students will have a solid understanding of how to use email marketing to grow their creative business, build strong relationships with their clients and help them reach their goals. 

Bottlenecks in your Sales Funnel with Noella Andres

This online class is designed for photographers who want to optimize their sales funnel and increase their bookings. The class will cover the basics of sales funnels, including the various stages of the funnel such as marketing, website, inquiry, consultation, and booking. Students will learn how to use analytics tools to analyze their sales funnel and identify any leaks or bottlenecks that may be preventing them from booking clients. The class will also cover strategies for improving each stage of the funnel, including optimizing website design and content, improving customer experience during consultations, and enhancing follow-up and communication with clients.

In the second month of the program, you will participate in weekly group calls with three very strategic masterclasses designed to help you implement your road map. These classes are designed to provide you with the skills and knowledge you need to take the roadmap we created together and implement it with clarity and ease. By the end of the program, you will have a clear roadmap for achieving your goals and the skills and knowledge needed to implement it successfully.


Final coaching recap call with jamie findlay


Month 2

The Powerstart coaching program is designed to help you achieve your goals by providing personalized guidance, support and a road map built just for you! In the first month of the program, you will receive a private 90 min strategy call with me, where we will work together to build a roadmap curated to meet your needs and those of your clients. This roadmap will be tailored to your unique needs, strengths, and challenges, and will provide you with a clear and actionable plan for you to implement.

PRE-WORK EXERCISES TO gain clarity on your business now



Month 1

By the end of the 

8 week program you'll...

  • Have clearly organized the jenga pieces in your head into a timeline with clarity and direction
  • 10x your creative output. with clarity comes action
  • have a renewed Excitment in your ilfe journey and in your business

Want something like that?

Let's do this thing →


 I just hit 300k for the first time EVER in a calendar year... during a pandemic! Your coaching is what set it off for me to find my sweet spot, bumped my confidence to attract the clients I needed, and inspire me to work my ass off and get into gear. I'm literally BAWLING right now, we're paying off the house, buying an investment, and able to put money into places we have never been able to do before. I want everyone to experience this freedom!

"I want everyone to experience this freedom!"


Working with Jamie has completely opened my eyes to the power that exists within me and my business. I had no idea how differently I could scale within a traditional business plan. There were SO many things I was missing and wasn't even aware I needed. Those simple hacks increased my business 3x in 3 months.

"Working with Jamie has completely opened my eyes..."


I knew private coaching was going to change the course of my business, I just didn’t realize the earthquake that would happen. Jamie shook me to my core and I found out A LOT about myself and where I actually wanted to go in this industry, and it wasn’t the path I initially signed up for. I realized my heart and passions are to educate photographers and to help guide them to successful businesses by finding the root problems and fixing it.

"Jamie shook me to my core..."

When and where is Power Start Taking Place?

Power Start will be a virtual program offering available twice a year in a group setting as a 1:1 offering year-round! Specific dates for individual strategy calls and group calls will be sent out to participants after registration closes.

Frequently Asked Questions

When do the strategy calls and group calls occur? 

After registering, you will sign up for a one-on-one strategy call with Jamie based on both of your schedule and availability. Group classes will be held in month 2 and the educators/ topics will be shared in advance. Educators will be chosen based on the collective needs of the group after your initial strategy calls. If you cannot attend one of the group calls, you will receive a recording after they occur.

What is included in the program? 

Power Start participants will get one on one support from Jamie to create a roadmap for their business. This will take place during a pre-work excercise designed to extract all the info Jamie needs to help you build the business of your dreams. Then you'll have an in-depth 90-120-minute strategy call with Jamie to create your roadmap. Two follow-up group support calls with top educators will build on the strategies and tactics discussed in your strategy session, as well as group facebook support and Q&A's. 

What is the group component? 

The group will give you access to others in your community to connect, learn, and go through this crazy entrepreneur life with. We will create a Facebook group to interact with each other, ask questions, and grow! 

follow @thelandlockedmermaid

If you're into travel, business, real conversations and things I find funny + probably way too many sarcastic videos... You've come to the right place. 

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